We are preparing woodauction dates in the jubilee 10th season!

2024/2025 auction season

We have prepared a total of seven auction dates for this season. Three of them will take place traditionally in the SERVIS LES centre in Činěves, one in Břeclav, one in Křemž near České Budějovice, one in Moravská Huzová near Olomouc and a new one in Zbiroh in western Bohemia.

We hope that by adding auction dates in South and West Bohemia and Moravia we will please timber owners and buyers. We firmly believe that auctions will continue to be the best way to buy and sell valuable timber this year.

14 - 20 November 2024

SERVIS LES handling warehouse, Činěves 89, 289 01 Dymokury

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16 - 22 January 2025

SERVIS LES handling warehouse, Činěves 89, 289 01 Dymokury

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24 - 29 January 2025

Timber of the Forests of the Czech Republic s.p. - handling warehouse of LČR - LZ Židlochovice, Lanžhotská Street, 690 02 Břeclav

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13 - 19 February 2025

Handling warehouse ENERGOFOREST s.r.o. Mříč, Mříč 52, 382 03 Křemže

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20 - 26 February 2025

Forest Road Colloredo-Mannsfeld, Bzová 79, 267 43 Bzová

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27 February - 5 March 2025

Handling warehouse of SUK WOOD PRO s.r.o. in Moravská Huzová u Olomouce, Moravská Huzová 110, 783 13 Štěpánov

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13 - 19 March 2025

SERVIS LES handling warehouse, Činěves 89, 289 01 Dymokury

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