We are preparing woodauction dates in the jubilee 10th season!

Procedure for placing timber for auction

  1. Announcement of the planned volume of timber – approval of the auctioneer  (DEBLICE-lesy) is required
  2. Signing the contract
  3. Notification of individual deliveries and allocation of intentions for individual deliveries
  4. Acceptance of the timber – during unloading, the number of pieces is only counted
  5. Measurement of the assortments - the lengths and diameters measured by the auctioneer (DEBLICE-forest) are used as a reference for calculating the volume of timber
  6. Indicative grading by quality - carried out by the auctioneer
  7. Determination of starting prices - starting prices are determined by the auctioneer
  8. Creation and distribution of the auction catalogue to bidders - by email to traditional bidders; the catalogue is also available on the website in the news section
  9. The auction itself
  10. Sending out the results and invoicing documents immediately after evaluation - the results are usually sent out the night after the auction ends
  11. For assortments below the starting price, the decision to sell - if the highest bid for some assortments is below the starting price, the timber owner decides whether or not to sell

Timber suitable for auction (recommendations for owners)

For oak, quality A+ (I, II, III. A quality class according to the recommended rules), with increasing dimensions it is possible to place even lower quality after consultation; avg diameter 40 cm+; for other timber species we recommend placing quality II+; length min. 2.5 m; species for which a price of min. 4 thousand CZK/m3 can be expected - deciduous trees as standard (except poplar and willow) and larch from conifers.

We do not exclude everything else, but only upon agreement with us (may not be included in the auction).  Based on our experience from previous seasons, we recommend placing timber in auctions as early as possible, delivering longer logs (especially for oak, while maintaining the required quality), and booking the auction placement in time. Our company is responsible for payment of the timber delivered.